Saturday, February 28, 2009

the audacity of BLOGS, or, "the few, the brave"

we bloggers are one of the few to SHOUT our thoughts to the world. we are the backbone of the "American Think Tank". with the criticism staring us down, we don't back away. we boldly tell what we think. this is, the "Audacity of Blogs"!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

what coffee does to me.

me on a long trip.

me reacting to a dare from valen about drinking a frapp.

me after the first sip.

me after sipping for ten minutes.


...interesting, very interesting.

out... like a light.

bedtime for bonzo.

"We Cooked And Barbecued Stew!"

"The Whatleys!"
"The stew cooking at the Whatleys! They have like 300-400 people attend every year at their house!"
"...Ohhhh. Who are the Whatleys?"
"They're great people who live in Alabama. They have huge pots, and a ginormungus barbecue cooker that sits in their yard!"
"Sounds really bodiddly! when are you leaving?"
"Tomorrow morning, at about 7:00. Though we'll probably leave at about eight. You know how it goes."
"Yeah, always leave an hour late. Well see ya next week!"
"Ok! Bye!"
"Have fun!"
"You too!"
"Doing what, school?"
"You know what I mean."
"Haha! See ya later!"...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fear of the Mystery!!!!

I was thinking about God a few days ago, and what it was meant to fear the Lord. I had always found it hard to fear a man who died on a cross, or a God who I had not really seen firsthand. Then it struck me, I don't know hardly anything about this, Awesome, Mysterious, God, that I had been trying to learn about! I only know what the bible tells me of Him, and even it, tells us that He is a mystery! "Great indeed, we confess is the mystery of Godliness." I Timothy 3:16
A realization of this God who is not tame, of whom I know virtually nothing! Then I saw the Fear of the Lord! I am standing in the presence of the King of Glory!